PhD Lounge Session 4: The PhD Iceberg Explained: Decision to go for a PhD, what to ponder?
Oct 18, 2022 • E04 • 00:39:12
Students and Graduates!
The PhD Lounge Podcast is back, and with a new session series!
While I am still tremendously busy in researching and writing my PhD thesis, as well as trying to submit abstracts to participate into conferences, I am still emerged into the PhD Lounge Podcast to create new content around PhD and seeking PhD students to become my guests.
First of all, congratulations to all students who entered in university this academic year, wishing all their best in this new journey that will demand from you in three or four years.
For this new podcast series at the PhD Lounge, I am introducing the Iceberg theory, created by American journalist Ernest Hemingway, into the context of the PhD. This first episode of the PhD Iceberg explained, I describe six main points I personally consider where any student could think about once deciding to apply for a PhD. The decision of applying for a PhD would be the very first step which the any student starts to climb the iceberg until reaching the graduation results, which is the tip of the iceberg, and what is below slowly becomes ignored. With this new series, I try to call the attention of students and the general audience what a PhD is really about and what the title of Doctor of Philosophy heavily carries behind, literally years and years of research, writing and discussing.
I hope you all enjoy hearing this first session of the PhD Iceberg Explained series.
Thank you all for listening, it has been a pleasure!