PhD Lounge

PhD Lounge

Luis Maia

  • 24 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Jul 23, 2023
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Hello students and graduates. The PhD Lounge podcast has now a one-time donation where you can contribute with any amount to help the podcast get to the top and be within the listener preferences algorithm. So have a seat, enjoy listening and consider to make a donation for more interviews and sessions of PhD Lounge Podcast. Thank you for tuning in, it has been a pleasure.

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PhD Lounge Session 5: PhD Iceberg Explained: Research Proposal: The Growing Seed for the PhD Student/Supervisor Relationship!

Apr 12, 2023 00:35:53

Students and Graduates!

Happy Easter and Spring Break! New session in the PhD Lounge Podcast! This is the second episode of the PhD Iceberg Explained Series, where I talk about the research proposal, the first step to apply for your PhD, and what it entails. However, I narrate it from the perspective of the supervisor and how the supervisor's role and academic expertise can help the student to enter into the PhD journey but also the beginning of a relationship between student and supervisor.

Throughout this session, I explain some points the supervisor applies to students who are writing the PhD research proposal which are essential to build a strong relationship such as feedback and emotional support. I hope you enjoy the 2nd session of the PhD Iceberg Explained Series, and more sessions of this series and late-night interviews are coming soon!

Thank you all for tuning in, it has been a pleasure!

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Check out as well this podcast: No Shame in my Name (NSIMN)

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